Best of Ecommerce Influence 2020: Our Top 10 Most-Downloaded Episodes

best of ecommerce influence 2020

2020 was an epic year for eCommerce, and a record-breaker for the podcast — we surpassed 1MM all-time downloads.

Some of our incredible guests in 2020 included Pura Vida CEO, Griffin ThallSEO wizard, Dan Shurelifecycle marketing and wealth-building expert, Drew Sanocki, and many more.

Below is our list of the Best of Ecommerce Influence 2020 — our top 10 most-downloaded episodes of the year.

Thanks to all of our listeners for your continued support, and if you know someone who would benefit from the show, please send them our way!


The Best of Ecommerce Influence 2020


10. Episode 241: Evolutions in Lifecycle Marketing & New Approaches to Creating Wealth

creating wealth

Starting at number 10 we have episode 241: Evolutions in Lifecycle Marketing & New Approaches to Creating Wealth. Drew Sanocki began his entrepreneurial journey by bootstrapping a business, and now is on the acquisition side, growing a portfolio of successful companies.

The lifestyle marketing expert talks about evolutions in the customer journey and how to stay ahead of them, as well as what you need to know to start building wealth with your own portfolio of businesses.  

9. Episode 282: 8 Ecommerce All Stars Share Their Best Marketing Advice

marketing advice

At number 9 we have episode 282: 8 Ecommerce All Stars Share Their Best Marketing AdviceI reached out to seven of my friends in the eCommerce space and asked them: What’s the single best piece of marketing advice you’ve ever gotten?

From words by Mark Zuckerberg all the way to legendary writer Gary Bencivenga, eCommerce experts Ezra Firestone, Noah Kagan, Kurt Elster, and more share marketing advice that every marketer and entrepreneur needs to have in their arsenal.

8. Episode 251: How a Husband and Wife Duo Built the 20th Fastest Growing Company in the US

husband and wife

Coming in at number 8 is episode 251: How a Husband and Wife Duo Built the 20th Fastest Growing Company in the US. Garret and Deeanne Akerson of Kindred Bravely won the Shopify Build A Bigger Business Competition and made the INC 5000 two years in a row. They share how they’ve navigated running a business together as a couple — from initial startup to hiring over 50 remote employees and all the challenges and milestones in between.

7. Episode 233: Agencies Aren’t Your Enemy: How to Work Together & Build a Better Brand

digital agency

Our number 7 most-downloaded episode is number 233: Agencies Aren’t Your Enemy: How to Work Together & Build a Better Brand. Many businesses have fired their agencies recently and moved things in-house. However, when you build the right relationship with an agency and truly integrate them with your team, it can be the key to unlocking massive growth.

Susan Wenograd, CMO of digital agency Aimclear, talks about how to build a deeper relationship with your agency so they can bring you greater success, and her thoughts around navigating the digital landscape as it continues to change and evolve.

6. Episode 260: Ecommerce SEO in 2020: What Actually Moves The Needle

ecommerce seo in 2020

Episode 260 comes in at number 6: Ecommerce SEO in 2020: What Actually Moves The Needle. Dan Shure is a Search Engine Optimization wizard who’s been working in SEO for more than 12 years. He talks about what’s changed over the last decade when it comes to SEO strategy, what’s working in eCommerce SEO in 2020, and the tools you should be using to have success with this incredibly important component of your marketing strategy.

5. Episode 236: 6 Things You Can Do Today To Grow Your Business

quick wins

Our 5th most downloaded episode of 2020 is number 236: 6 Things You Can Do Today To Grow Your Business. In this tactical episode, Andrew and I share six quick wins you can execute today to grow your business. From Facebook, to email, to website optimization, these tactics will help you generate sales and get results.

4. Episode 232: How To Get Started With Email Marketing

get started with email marketing

Coming in at number 4 is episode 232: How To Get Started With Email Marketing. Whether you’re just getting started with email marketing, or you’ve had an agency managing your email for some time and want to make sure everything is running as it should be, this episode has helpful tips that will deepen your understanding.

We talk about best practices for list creation, how to capture leads, which emails to create first, how to determine the number of emails you should be sending, and more.

3. Episode 238: Zero to Launch: The Scaling Series, Part 1

zero to launch

Number 3 on our list is episode 238: Zero to Launch: The Scaling Series, Part 1. We’ve worked with hundreds of different companies at various stages of growth, from pre-launch to multi-million dollar acquisition. This episode kicks off Part 1 of our 5-part scaling series, where we talk about each stage of growth and the challenges you’re going to face as you scale up your business from zero to 8-figures.

In this “zero to launch” episode we address some of the questions you’ll face when you’re determining how to launch and going from an idea for a product to actually getting sales. To listen to parts 2-5, check out the Links and Resources here.

2. Episode 239: How the Cereal School Grew from Zero to 7-Figures a Month in Just 1 Year

Our second most-downloaded episode is number 239: How the Cereal School Grew from Zero to 7-Figures a Month in Just 1 YearOne of the key components of The Cereal School’s success is that Helen Guo and her co-founder, Dylan, started by learning and running every aspect of the business themselves, before hiring agencies to take things over.

Helen shares her amazing journey, as well as tips for finding the right agency and how to build a partnership that will last.

1. Episode 235: A Behind the Scenes Look at Pura Vida’s Multi-Million Dollar Exit

pura vida

And our number one most downloaded episode from 2020 is number 235: A Behind the Scenes Look at Pura Vida’s Multi-Million Dollar Exit. When someone asks us about eCommerce best practices, we always hear, “what’s Pura Vida doing?” In this episode, we talk with Pura Vida CEO, Griffin Thall, to get an inside look at their current strategies, how the company’s grown over the last several years, the way his role has evolved, and what it’s actually like to prepare your company for a multi-million dollar sale.

BONUS: Episode 253: The Rise of TikTok and How It Can Help Your Ecommerce Brand


As businesses are looking to diversify their channels, more and more eyes, and dollars, are on TikTok. In episode 253: The Rise of TikTok and How It Can Help Your Ecommerce Brand expert digital marketer August Noble shares what’s working on TikTok and how he uses key learnings from legacy social media platforms to develop influencer marketing strategies and help brands grow.


We had an amazing year with tons of great episodes and we hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have.

We want to continue to provide value to our listeners in 2021, and our goal is to double our audience this year.

There has never been a better time to be an eCommerce entrepreneur. Your business has the potential to be a vehicle that builds generational wealth and allows you to live a fulfilling life — whatever that means for you. 

Expect a lot of new content, exciting programs, and inspiring work coming your way this year that will help you live a wealthier and more fulfilled life.

If you’ve been enjoying the podcast, please share it with a friend or colleague.

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zero to launch

238: Zero to Launch: The Scaling Series, Part 1

In the first on our 5-part scaling series, where we talk about each stage of growth and the challenges you'll face as you scale, we're starting off with “zero to launch,” addressing some of the questions you’ll face when you’re going from an idea for a product to actually getting sales.