048: “Facebook Is NOT Out To Screw You,” But You Might Be Screwing Yourself When It Comes To Ecommerce Facebook Marketing – Jon Loomer, JonLoomer.com

Hosted by: Austin Brawner with Jon Loomer, Andrew Foxwell, Mason Garrity

Jon Loomer makes it clear, Facebook's not trying to screw you when it comes to ecommerce Facebook marketing...

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jon loomer ecommerce facebook marketing

Jon Loomer makes it clear, Facebook’s not trying to screw you when it comes to ecommerce Facebook marketing…

…but you might be screwing yourself.  Jon teaches us how to do it right and make it profitable.

Jon Loomer runs the most complete online resource of advanced Facebook marketing tips and tutorials, which is updated on nearly a daily basis.

His site was recognized as one of Social Media Examiner’s Top 10 Social Media Blogs of 2013, and in 2014 he was again named to the list but as the #1 social media marketing blog.

Jon’s previous experience includes VP of Strategic Marketing for the American Cancer Society and the Senior Manager of Fantasy Games for the NBA, overseeing the entire life cycle of the fantasy games product.

He’s a wizard when it comes to ecommerce Facebook marketing, and today he’s going to teach us how ecommerce companies can use Facebook marketing to help them make the jump from $1 million to $10 million+.

Topics Discussed

  • The number one component in successful ecommerce Facebook marketing.
  • The biggest mistakes ecommerce companies are making in their Facebook advertising.
  • Building custom audiences.
  • Understanding “Look-a-like Audiences” and how to do them right.
  • How to identify a great Facebook consultant from a bad one.
  • The ONE thing to start on today…and then a few bonus action items to implement into your ecommerce Facebook marketing system.



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