036: 8 Techniques To Make Your Ecommerce Copywriting Sell – Strategy Session

Hosted by: Austin Brawner

If you want to sell more products online, then you'll need to make your ecommerce copywriting sell to your prospects.

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Make Your Ecommerce Copywriting Sell

If you want to sell more products online, then you’ll need to make your ecommerce copywriting sell to your prospects.

Ecommerce companies tend to think that because they only have to sit behind a screen, drive traffic, capture leads, and sell cool products they don’t have to put in the extra time and effort into writing great, persuasive website copy and product descriptions that actually try to sell the customer.

According to Kissmetrics, quality ecommerce copywriting and product descriptions can increase ecommerce conversion rates anywhere from 30-100%.

More often than not, though, we see websites and product descriptions that provide only product specifications like size, weight, and inseam. We see descriptions that lack personality and storytelling, and worse yet, they pull the product descriptions straight from the manufacturer’s website and use that for their copy.

The good news is, you don’t have to hire someone to write for you. In this episode, we’ll cover the 8 techniques you can implement on your own today to make your ecommerce copywriting sell.

Topics Discussed throughout the interview

  • A quick follow up on last week’s episode, “The 3 Types of Buyers”
  • When you’ve written the headline you’ve spent 80 cents out of your dollar
  • The 4 “do nots” in ecommerce copywriting
  • The 4 “do’s” to make your ecommerce copywriting sell
  • One of the greatest product descriptions ever created…we promise you’ll want to buy a pair without even looking at them.

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