088: (Part 2) How To Drive More Ecommerce Sales With Facebook Advertising

Hosted by: Austin Brawner with Andrew Foxwell

If you're not driving more ecommerce sales with Facebook advertising, then you're missing out on one of the best "demand generation" systems available to your business.

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ecommerce sales with Facebook

If you’re not driving more ecommerce sales with Facebook advertising, then you’re missing out on one of the best “demand generation” systems available to your business.

Facebook advertising has been responsible for producing 2x, 3x, 4x even 10x returns on adspend for some of our clients…and if you’re not getting that with what you’re doing now, here’s how you can start.

The person responsible for helping some of our clients see those kinds of returns is Facebook advertising expert and friend, Andrew Foxwell.

Foxwell (we call him Foxy!) is one of the most revered Facebook marketers today. He has worked with 8 figure+ businesses, a U.S. Congressman, our clients, and even us.

This episode is part two in a 2-part series that will teach you how to drive more ecommerce sales with Facebook. Part one is an overview of Facebook advertising, what’s possible, and we lay the foundation for o becoming successful. In part two we dig in a bit deeper and show you how to sell for results with facebook advertising.

Key Takeaways from the Show

  • How to structure Facebook advertising campaigns for success for your ecommerce store.
  • The targeting power of Facebook and how to best use it to your advantage
  • How to find the highest converting ad campaign in the shortest amount of time.
  • How to a create large, highly-qualified “Lookalike” audience that generates sales on demand.

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