131: Productivity Hacks to Make 2018 Your Most Productive Year Yet

Hosted by: Austin Brawner with Andrew Foxwell

If something happened to you today, how long could your business run before things started falling apart?

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Sebastian Marshall productivity-hacks on Ecommerce Influence Podcast

If something happened to you today, how long could your business run before things started falling apart?

How much time are you actually spending on value (i.e. profit) producing work and how much time is wasted on low-level, time-sucking tasks? Get ready to save time, get more done, and be happier with the tips we’re sharing this week.

Productivity superstar Sebastian Marshall is the co-founder of Ultraworking, and writes 6000 words per week for Strategic Review. He shares the top the three things to do to set yourself up for consistent productivity and success, and the single most important question to answer before starting any project that will help you stay on track and achieve your goals. Also, find out what you need to start doing right now that will change the way you work forever (you’ll be surprised how simple it is).

Episode Highlights

  • 7:23 Is this your routine? What the not-so-productive cycle really looks like
  • 12:25 The one question you should ask before every project or task
  • 15:44 The time frame of productivity: now, tomorrow, the week, the month, the year
  • 17:31 How to estimate your time correctly to increase your productivity
  • 21:00 Why having a monthly “theme” will help you be more consistent week to week
  • 23:50 Working into the future: How working ahead just 1x can make you more productive
  • 25:32 Fine-tuning the process: why you should be making your weekly work easier
  • 29:30 How the #1 car company (Toyota) categorizes their work output and how you can too
  • 33:25 Why handing off a project actually reduces productivity
  • 36:30 How tracking the time of the work you do on your most important tasks may surprise you and how it can help you refocus
  • 40:00 Here’s how Sebastian defines and then prioritizes his most important tasks
  • 48:30 Asking yourself this one powerful question will help you define what you want to happen and what you need to do to get there
  • 49:30 Describing what a work cycle is and how it can help you if you don’t know where to start your work
  • 55:00 More about Sebastian’s Pentathlon and how you can join in the fun

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