028: Stop Copying Your Competitors – Candid Conversation

Hosted by: Austin Brawner

We've all done it at some point so no one gets a free pass, but it's time for you, once and for all, to stop copying your competitors!

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stop copying your competitors

We’ve all done it at some point so no one gets a free pass, but it’s time for you, once and for all, to stop copying your competitors!

Jeff Bezos once said, “Don’t focus on the competition, they’ll never give you money.” We know that many listeners, including ourselves, have at one point copied some of our competitor’s website navigation, their design, copy, conversion tactics, and maybe even their business model.

In this conversation, we’re going to provide you with some of the most important reasons, and some very concrete examples, as to why you need to stop copying your competitors…and what you should be copying instead. Give it a listen to the end and you’ll know what we mean.

Topics Discussed Throughout This Interview:

  • Why you need to stop copying your competitors – Even if it’s “Nasty Gal” it might not be useful.
  • Examples of copying gone wrong.
  • The importance of data when copying.
  • Should you redesign your website? (Check out the Chris Goward episode)
  • When is it okay to copy.
  • Two solutions to help you stop copying your competitors
  • “Innovation makes the world a better place!”


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